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We have been working with experienced educators and therapists as well as parents and children to develop products and tools that help children to thrive at home and at school.

The focus of these products and tools are to develop children’s Core Intelligence, ie. their emotional intelligence, metacognition and mindfulness, as these skills account for 75% of achievement and success, against only 25% attributed to IQ.

We help children thrive by helping them gain a better understanding of who they are and how to better relate to themselves and to others. And we do this through fun and engaging products.

Every child in the country should be sent one of these – Stephen Dixon, Sky News


A Daily journal for kids aged 7-12

SUPER JOURNAL – 10 weeks of themed journaling on essential life skills, proven to develop a growth mindset and resilience, increase productivity, happiness and confidence.

Developed by Psychotherapist Annabel Rosenhead and Parenting Expert and best-selling Author Nadim Saad, this beautifully illustrated, full colour journal offers children different inspiring quotes and questions every day. This journal take kids on a journey of 10 weeks of journaling, to allow new more positive habits to be formed and better equip your kids to be stronger, happier and more confident. It opens up 7 to 12 years olds’ abilities to better understand themselves, reflect on the positives each day and find it easier to discuss their feelings and identify their emotions.

The Happy Confident Me Super Journal

Sky News Interview

What Kids Learn

To focus on the positive things they can be grateful for each day

To identify their feelings each day positive and negative

To understand themselves better

To develop a greater sense of pride in their actions

How Parents Benefit

Stronger connection with children thanks to sharing their thoughts and feelings

Being able to discuss feelings with kids more openly

Helping kids express themselves more clearly

Finding new ways to motivate children

This book I the best book I have ever had because it taught me that it’s ok to write down my feelings it’s also has some awesome activities along the way so I recommend you buy this book. To me I give this book a five star rating.

9 year old girl

Bright, engaging and informative material written in a way my daughter was able to understand. Love the different chapters and I can see whole classrooms of students learning or spending their quiet time self studying. So much potential in one book. This could change the world as we know it for our young people.

Mr Nolan T John

Feeling Cards

Wellbeing products for kids and families

Research shows that if you can identify and name your feelings, it helps you process them better, and feel calmer through understanding the causes. There are huge benefits in being able to talk about feelings, not only in better understanding ourselves, but also being more able to seek help from friends and family. In today’s age, this skill is becoming increasingly important for our children. FEELIT! helps them on this journey. The more we practice identifying our feelings and understanding them, and the faster we can recover from uncomfortable feelings, becoming happier and more confident.
With 50 feelings included in this pack, and instructions for 4 different games to be played alone, as a family or in teams, you’ll find the whole family will quickly benefit from this pocket-sized game.

With just one pack of FEELIT! cards, your children can start learning the life skill of mastering their emotions by:

  • Better understanding the meaning of different feelings
  • Better recognising and articulating specific feelings at any given time
  • Learning that feelings are just temporary states, like energy passing through their body, and that they can shift these from uncomfortable feelings to more pleasant ones at will.

Books for Parents

Raise your child’s self-esteem & help them to become confident & resilient adults. The latest addition to the 7 books written by founder Nadim Saad, “Raising Happy Confident Kids” draws on the latest research in child psychology, neuroscience and the growth mindset to equip you with effective tools to develop your children’s happiness and confidence.

Nadim discovered the incredible parallels between the science of leadership and the science of parenting and he created a useful and effective programme for busy parents in his book The Working Parents’ Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Children.

Head to Amazon to order now.

→ Raising Happy Confident Kids

→ The Working Parents’s Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Children

→ Kids don’t come with a manual

Programmes & online courses

This family online course will help your children thrive emotionally and academically


  • Raise your children’s emotional intelligence, confidence and overall wellbeing.
  • Help children identify how their thoughts and mindset can impact their learning.
  • Learn key life skills: developing a growth mindset, bouncing back, resilience and learning from mistakes
  • Specifically designed for parent and child participation: guides you and your child(ren) through videos and fun activities and life-changing discussions to learn essential life skills and tools together.
  • Distilled the very best findings, practices and proven techniques, to create an engaging, entertaining, informative and family life-changing course


We believe that ALL children need to be taught the key life skills promoted in our journals, courses and books. We understand that not all families are able to access our resources and so we work with charities, schools, and groups to help provide wider access to our journals through donating a journal for every journal sold through our website.